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Doprava, platba

Brdlíkova 287/1d, 150 00 Praha 5
(+420) 735 12 10 11
map and opening hours
payment by cash or card
price with VAT 152 Kč
Weapons and ammunition subject to Act No. 119/2002 Coll., on firearms and ammunition (Weapons Act) cannot be sent.
price with VAT 414 Kč, 14 Eur
Weapons and ammunition subject to Act No. 119/2002 Coll., on firearms and ammunition (Weapons Act) cannot be sent.

Order note

The sale of weapons, ammunition and components that are subject to Act No. 119/2002 Coll., on firearms and ammunition (Weapons Act) in its current wording cannot be conducted via the online store, even if the purchaser holds firearms license. All purchases made (ordered through the online store) that are subject to the Firearms Act are considered a reservation of goods! Based on the order placed, you will be contacted by our salesperson, who will explain the next procedure for purchasing this item.